Step up Your Hashtag Game This 2020

social media Dec 21, 2020

If you know anything about marketing via social media, you know that hashtags are the name of the game. Hashtags are a powerful tool that boosts engagement. They work by making content discoverable and grouping similar items together, so when a user clicks on a hashtag, they see all posts related to it. By using some hashtag tricks, you can attract more visitors and grow your audience substantially.

Give these hacks a try to step up your hashtag game instantly.

1 - Use Relevant Hashtags

If you want to target genuine followers, use super relevant hashtags that directly relate to your business or brand. Stay away from using popular or trendy hashtags to get a few extra likes. Stay the course and target real followers for the long-term. Use at least ten or more hashtags per post to be effective.

2 - Add Line Breaks Before Your Hashtags

Instagram has a bad habit of removing extra line breaks, so your hashtags get pushed up against your content and often overlooked. Use an app like ...

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What is Tik Tok and Does My Business Need It?

social media tiktok Dec 21, 2020

In the past year, Tik Tok has become a household name for parents of teenagers. The short-form video sharing platform invites users to record and view quirky lip-syncing videos. On the heels of the announcement that Tik Tok surpassed the one billion download mark, (surpassing Snapchat, Tumblr, and Twitch users), major brands are jumping into the platform. However, it may not make sense for everyone.

Tik Tok’s premise is simple: encourage users to share 15-second videos, serve them to the people that are most likely to watch, engage, and continue watching. Unlike Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, content on a Tik Tok feed is not generated by the individuals followed. Instead, Tik Tok’s algorithm predicts the type of videos users will want to see and content is prioritized by what they are most likely to enjoy. People don’t matter as much as the video content. This is key to the platform’s success – virality. 

As 66% of Tik Tok users are...

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5 Ways to Heat Up Your Social Media During the Summer

social media Dec 21, 2020

The summer months can mean slower traction on your business' social media content.  It's not unusual to see lower engagement rates on social media posts when the kids are out of school, people are away from their desks more, and often times traveling. 

Instead of abandoning your social media efforts altogether, summer provides the perfect time for business owners to catch up, analyze, and get creative.  

The top five things you should be doing this summer to heat up your social media: 

  1.  Bring in new connections. Who else has a stack of business cards sitting on their desk?  Now is the time to go through them, send LinkedIn connection requests, add the emails to your email marketing system, and schedule appointments with the ones that you should have followed upon.  
  2. Reassess your goals.  What worked in Q1 and Q2?  What didn’t work?  Do the same type of analysis on your business social media...

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